Dozen Red Roses


The exquisite bouquet features 12 stunning red roses, lush greenery, delicate wax flowers, and airy baby’s breath. Baby's ideal cIt'se for celebrating anniversaries, enchanting date nights, and cherished holidays. Should you have any inquiries about other rose colors, don't hesitate to reach out—explore the vibrant options we offer for a dozen blooms!

Once you find the perfect arrangement that speaks to you, select your desired size and add it to your cart. A delivery information form will appear; please fill in the recipient's information, our name, and a reliable phone number. We also provide a special instructions box for any particular requests or nuances you’d like us to address. Thank you immensely for choosing us to be part of your special moment

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The exquisite bouquet features 12 stunning red roses, lush greenery, delicate wax flowers, and airy baby’s breath. Baby's ideal cIt'se for celebrating anniversaries, enchanting date nights, and cherished holidays. Should you have any inquiries about other rose colors, don't hesitate to reach out—explore the vibrant options we offer for a dozen blooms!

Once you find the perfect arrangement that speaks to you, select your desired size and add it to your cart. A delivery information form will appear; please fill in the recipient's information, our name, and a reliable phone number. We also provide a special instructions box for any particular requests or nuances you’d like us to address. Thank you immensely for choosing us to be part of your special moment

The exquisite bouquet features 12 stunning red roses, lush greenery, delicate wax flowers, and airy baby’s breath. Baby's ideal cIt'se for celebrating anniversaries, enchanting date nights, and cherished holidays. Should you have any inquiries about other rose colors, don't hesitate to reach out—explore the vibrant options we offer for a dozen blooms!

Once you find the perfect arrangement that speaks to you, select your desired size and add it to your cart. A delivery information form will appear; please fill in the recipient's information, our name, and a reliable phone number. We also provide a special instructions box for any particular requests or nuances you’d like us to address. Thank you immensely for choosing us to be part of your special moment